Hall rentals available!
The Wallis Columbus Club Hall is available for rentals. Please call (979) 478-7268 for more information. If no one answers immediately, please leave a message and the Hall Manager will return you call as soon as possible.

wallis columbus club – info
Although all members of the Wallis Knights of Columbus are automatically members of the Wallis Columbus Club, the Columbus Club is a separate entity whose primary mission is to provide a facility for the community to host gatherings too large for the family home. The Columbus Club Hall is managed by the Hall Manager under the direction of the Board of Directors elected from the membership.

columbus club hall
The Columbus Club Hall is located at 703 Columbus Road, Wallis, Texas 77485.
The Columbus Club Hall can be rented by individuals, organizations, charities, and more subject to availability. Portions of the Hall, including the kitchen, BBQ pits, Hall, and Meeting Room are available, each with their own rental rate. Rentals are the primary source of income to fund the maintenance requirements of the Columbus Club Hall.
For more detailed information about renting please call 979) 478-7268. Please leave a message including your phone number for a call back.