knights of columbus
our mission
Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., and a group of parishioners. Their intent? To bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families. This simple gathering has expanded to a worldwide organization that assists wherever trouble exists in the world.
The Wallis Knights of Columbus seeks to support the local parish of Guardian Angels Church, and the community, with special assistance to the Brother Knights and their widows after they pass. We provide support for area organizations such as the Scouts, pregnancy centers in Austin and Fort Bend counties, scholarships, vocations with support for seminarians, and more! We are always seeking good, Catholic men to join our group to help us in our mission.
- Council Meeting – First Mondays at 7:00 pm (Social at 6:00 pm)

Annual Wild Game Supper – January 24, 2025
The Wallis Knights of Columbus, Father Nemec Council 3793 will be hosting our annual Wild Game Supper on January 24, 2025 which is our largest single fundraiser of the year and helps to support all of our charities. Grand Raffle tickets are now available from members and several local businesses in Wallis who support the Council. As per past years, the prize shown will be delivered as a gift card equal to the regular price of the item as shown in the BassPro catalog as of September 1, 2024. Gift cards may be used toward the purchase of any item in the BassPro or Cabela stores up to the amount of the gift card.
Other games and events will be held the night of the Wild Game Supper including but not limited to a live auction, Penny Pot Luck, Bucket Game, and more.
As always, food served will center around wild game donated by local hunters. If you wish to donate wild game, please contact a member and you will be directed to someone who can help.
The 4th Degree Knights, Assembly #1142 thanks everyone who participated in the raffle. They reported that for the first time in many years, they sold out and will be able to reach their budget goals. We appreciate you!
The 4th Degree Assembly adds Patriotism to the three degress of the Knights of Columbus.
Turkey and Dressing Dinner
Benefiting the Wallis Columbus Club Hall
Turkey and Dressing plate with yams, green beans, and cranberry sauce, loaded!
February 16, 2025
$15.00 per plate, Drive-Thru Only!
Serving begins at 10:00 am and will continue until we sell out or 12:30 pm. We usually sell out before noon.

next DUE date: MARCH 31, 2025!
One of the blessings of being a Knight is the opportunity for our children and grandchildren to earn a scholarship to attend post high school education.
To earn a scholarship the applicant must submit an application by March 31 of the current academic year and be a high school senior. Scholarships are limited by Council funds and not all applicants may be selected, but we try our best to support our children.
Scholarship applications and the guides are available from the Brazos High School Counselor or may also be downloaded from this link.

Wallis Knights of Columbus may avoid publicity in general, but you can find here the things we do for our local parish, the Church of Guardian Angels in Wallis, Texas, and our community. Please check the official calendar for upcoming events.
knights of the Month
February Knight of the Month is James Marek. James serves the Knights and community as chief cook at our largest fundraiser event, the Wild Game Supper, and prepares most of the donated meat for cooking, He spends many hours ensuring that we cook the best cuts of wild game in the best way possible. Thank you for all you do!
January Knight of the Month is Chris Holub. Chris serves as Council Treasurer and chief orgnaizer of the Wild Game Supper and Grand Raffle. His activities enable the Council to carry out the primary mission of Charity. Chris also serves as Community Program Director for the Council. He donates innumerable hours of service to the Council. We appreciate all you do!
Recent Knights of the Month:
June 2024: Roberto Ramos
July 2024: Leslie Jez
August 2024: John Maresh
September 2024: Steven Fojtik
October 2024: Gene Sury
November 2024: Steve Sheron
December 2024: Dennis Kulhanek
family of the month
February Family of the Month is David and Barbara Hubenak, shown here celebrating their 50th Anniversary. David captains the stage for the Wild Game Supper and the Grand Raffle. Barbara created most of the signs for the Wild Game Supper, putting many hours in helping the Council advertise the Charities that the Wild Game Supper events provide. Their support for the Council really helps the Council, and we thank you!
January Family of the Month is John and Sally Reyes. John initiated the “That Man Is You” program for the church that meets every Saturday morning at 6:00 am to teach men their role in the church family and their own family. In addition, he heads up the Rosary Program for the Council and is our Lectorer. He often leads the Rosary on the 5th Sunday 9:30 am mass and volunteers to lead the Rosary at many funerals. Sally is also very involved in church activities, assisting in Catholic Faith Education and various event supervision and support. Sally and John have made Guardian Angels Catholic Church and the Wallis Community a better place. John can also be seen leading the American Legion Post 200.
domino tournaments
The next 42-Domino Tournament will be on April 25, 2025 at the Columbus Club Hall. A light meal prepared by Knight Ray Hanzelka will be provided. Players may also contribute to the meal with desserts or side dishes. We look forward to seeing everyone who enjoys 42 Dominoes!
Everyone is welcome, even if you are just learning and want to have fun.
We take a break from November through March for Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Wild Game Supper, and Lenten Fish Fries.
2023 – 2024 Awards!
On February 3, 2025, our District Deputy, C.J. Hattier, presented the Council with the Lone Star Award for Excellence, given by State Deputy Terry Fruge. This award is given for achieving Star Council and gifts to the Education programs.
The Wallis Knights of Columbus, Father Nemec Council #3793 earned several awards for the fiscal year 2023-2024. From Left to Right, Duwayne is holding the Ogden Award earned by meeting State Charities goals 10 years in a row, and the Quick Start Award earned by meeting the State Charities goal before December 31 of the fiscal year. GK Mark Williams is holding the Star Council Award earned by meeting recruitment goals, Fraternal Benefits requirements, and the Columbian Award for Faith in Action. Congratulations to the Council. The awards were presented by District Deputy C.J. Hattier.
father nemec council #3793
P.O. Box 667
703 Columbus Road
Wallis, TX 77485